Medicare is for people 65 and over, younger people with certain disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease .
Dental Insurance
Dental benefits help with your preventive screenings and early detection of any issues.
Did you know that your dental health can affect your overall health?
Health Insurance
Health insurance protects you from unexpected, high medical costs. You pay less for covered in-network health care, even before you meet your deductible. You get free preventive care, like vaccines, screenings, and some check-ups, even before you meet your deductible.
Vision Insurance
Glasses and contact lenses can be expensive. Having vision insurance can help save over half on out of pocket costs.
Life Insurance
Death benefits
Valuable return on your investment
Tax Benefits
Availability of loan
Aids in financial planning through different life stages
Guaranteed income
Additional coverage
Security of business
Extra Benefits
Extra benefits are things like accident, cancer, disability, and hospital plans.
They give you extra protection that helps pay for covered accidents and unexpected critical illnesses. This coverage also can help you pay for those other non-medical expenses that go along with an injury or serious illness.
Would you like to do some shopping for yourself?
Links below do not show all of our offerings or carriers. For a full list of what we offer please contact us.
We Accept Appointments Via:
Direct to Carrier Health Options
Extra Benefits
Employer Offered Health and Benefits
Travel Insurance
Life Insurance
*We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1‐ 800‐MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
Marketplace States
Listed in Dark Blue
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. We are currently only on the Maine State Marketplace and the Federal Marketplace.
In Person*
*In person appointments set on case by case basis and may be state specific. Reach out for more information.
Need a state that is not listed below?
Reach out anyways!
We partner with many agents across the country to help connect you to someone who can assist no matter what state you live in.